An Act of Kindness

Genesis 24:4, 10-20

When the time had come for Isaac to get married, Abraham said to his servant, “Go to the land where I was born and find a wife for my son.”

Abraham’s servant knew that the task he had been given was too big for him to do by himself. When he finally reached the country where Abraham had been born, he prayed to God saying, “When a woman comes to draw water here at the well—and I ask her to give me a drink—may the one You have chosen, offer to give my camels water as well.”

Before he had even finished praying, a beautiful woman called Rebekah came along, so he asked her for a drink. She lowered her jar and said, “Here sir, drink—and I will also give your camels to drink.” She went back to draw more water until all the camels had had enough to drink. Then the servant knew that this woman was the one God had chosen.

Should I be kind to a stranger?

The Bible encourages us to be kind to others. Every kind and helpful action shows the love of Jesus overflowing from our hearts to those around us.

Unfortunately, some people take advantage of the kindness they receive from others. Some bad people may use a child’s kindness to get something else they want.

God sees your willing heart. If you would like to help a person you don’t know, ask your parents to show you the best way to help the person. In this way you can still do good to those who need help, but in a way that is safe and keeps you free to serve God joyfully through your kind and helpful deeds.

Verse for today

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10

Truth for Kids