Get Up and Go

Genesis 12:1-5

When Abram was 75 years old, the Lord said to him, “Leave you country and your relatives and go to a land that I will show you.

I will give you children and grandchildren who will become a great nation.

I will bless you, and you will become great. You will be a blessing, and through you I will bless all the nations.”

Then Abram, his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot, took all they had and set out for the land of Canaan.

Why does God sometimes get us to move far away?

Abram was living a comfortable life. He was married, he had servants… and the weather was great!

However, God had a much bigger plan for Abram, and to put that plan in to action, He needed Abram to get up and move to the land of Canaan. God could see into the future to a time when there would be so many people born from Abram’s children, it would be as hard to count them as it would be to count the grains of sand on the beach, or the stars in the sky. You could say that God had a dream for Abram: that through him all the people of the earth would be blessed.

Abram obeyed God. He left the place where he had lived for so long and started his journey to a distant land.

God may need you in the place you are now and move you somewhere else in the future. Who knows where and how God wants to bless you and make you a blessing to others?

Verse for today

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Truth for Kids