The One in the Middle

Genesis 2:9, 15-17

There were many trees in the Garden of Eden and Adam had lots of delicious fruit to choose from. He was allowed to eat and grow whatever he wanted. Of all the many fruit trees, there was only one—right in the middle of the garden—from which God told him not to eat.

The tree in the middle of the garden would allow Adam to know the difference between good and evil, and that meant he would be able to sin. The Lord told Adam that if he ate of the fruit, he would die.

Why can’t I have everything I want?

Imagine being left alone in a room of colorful boxes filled with every imaginable treat. You are allowed to enjoy anything from the many boxes, except one box—a black box in the middle of the room—that you may not open.

Would you ignore the black box and be happy to enjoy the things in the colorful boxes? Or would you move closer and closer to the black box, lift the lid slightly and take a peep?

The world is filled with many good things for us to enjoy and fun things to do. Yet sometimes we become bored and unhappy with the good things God allows us to have. Do you sometimes feel like being naughty just to see what will happen? Of the thousands of good words you know, do you sometimes find yourself saying a bad word?

God knows that there are things that will harm us, and things we may do that will hurt others. He cares about us, and so He clearly shows us in the Bible what we should and shouldn’t do.

Verse for today

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Truth for Kids