A one way road to salvation, joy and peace through Jesus Christ our LORD.
Publication Date: February 23, 2025
February 23, 2025
Who we are...
January 19, 2025
Heaven's Road is a group dedicated to sharing the testimony of Jesus Christ with others that do not know Him. We want to pray and help those in need within our community and around the world for God's glory and not of our own. We are simply servants of almighty God, our heavenly Father who loves us so much that He sent His own Son to die on the cross for our sins. This is a new group that I felt led by God to create and looking for some brothers or sisters in Christ to help manage or coordinate this group as a way in fellowship with each other. May God receive all glory, honor and praise for this work.
Kirk Gray
Our Staff
February 9, 2025
Hosted by: Kirk Gray
Role: Administrator, Presenter, Children's Time with God, Children's Activities, publisher of Heaven's Road Edition. Video Editor for Faith Over Fear.
Role: Administrator, Presenter, Message of the Day
Role: Presenter, Message of the Day
Role: Producer and Presenter of Faith Over Fear Podcast episodes
January 19, 2025
Links to Heaven’s Road
facebook group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HeavensRoad
If you do not have a facebook account you can access our website: https://www.heavensroad.life/
New Members
February 16, 2025
Welcome new members to Heaven’s RoadWhat's New "New Additions and Announcements"
February 16, 2025
We've changed, "Message of the Day" to Weekly Devotions. A new devotion will come out weekly.
Heaven's Road Forms
January 19, 2025
Submit a Prayer Request: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSdBxF12sAZJyL.../viewform
Share your Testimony of Faith: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSfL18POeFc71i.../viewform
to our Guest Sign-in Book: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSfbZZcXzIBqD7.../viewform
New Faith Over Fear Video Podcast Episode
February 2, 2025
Release Date: 1/28/25
Season: 4
Episode: 1
Title: Wisdom - "Be Wise"
Audio Podcast Episodes with Jenn Matthews
February 2, 2025
Jenn Matthews, a Christian Life Coach, is the host of the new podcast series.
Faith Over Fear Podcast Website
Inspirational Quote of the Day
February 23, 2025
Inspirational Quote of the Day - 1/7/25
"Afraid of Not Knowing Jesus"

Prayer Request and Praises
February 23, 2025
New Prayer Request
Brother: Kirk Gray
On February 20th, we lost a sweet momma. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we pray and ask God for His love, peace and guidance.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Continued prayers for my mom's healing.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Continued prayers for our country that God will heal our land.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Continued prayers for my mom's healing.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Keep the families in prayer that lost loved ones this week due to the plane crashes. May God use this time to bring those that don't know Him to come to Him for love, comfort and to bring them to Christ.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Please say a prayer for my mom. She fell and broke her hip. She's in hospice care and we don't know what direction to take in regards to surgery.
Sister: Jenn Matthews
Please pray for Pastor Larry that his body drains fluids and his heart begins to heal without an artificial heart or transplant.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Please keep our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world that are facing persecution because of their faith in Jesus Christ.
Sister: Vicki Spears
Please pray for our family as with many others we have a family member battling cancer.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Praying that many will come to Jesus as these wildfires continue to destroy lives.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Prayers for my brother's family.
Brother: Dhoyal Rishi
Hello good morning my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.
I hope you are doing well. This is Pastor Sukumar Roy. Who is really doing hard work for kingdom of God. Who is really persecuted by family,neighbors and community because of Christ and sharing gospel. He is caring our believers and going door to door for sharing gospel. Need help with prayer support for ministry works in Bangladesh.Thank you.
Brother: Kirk Gray
Pray for our country as it's facing turmoil. Pray that our nation will bring back God into our lives.
Testimony of Faith from our...
January 19, 2025
You can share your testimony using Share Your Testimony of Faith form or you can email us at heavensroad33@gmail.com.
February 23, 2025
Bible: zondervan (new international version)
Mark 9:14-29
Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Impure Spirit
14 When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. 15 As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him.
16 “What are you arguing with them about?” he asked.
17 A man in the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. 18 Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not.”
19 “You unbelieving generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.”
20 So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth.
21 Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?”
“From childhood,” he answered. 22 “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”
23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
25 When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the impure spirit. “You deaf and mute spirit,” he said, “I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.”
26 The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, “He’s dead.” 27 But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up.
28 After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”
29 He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.”
Key Places of Paul's Ministry
How to Install Web Paint
January 19, 2025
Web Paint add-on for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome allows you to highlight words, type or draw on a web page.
Bible Word Search
February 23, 2025
Bible Key Words
Children's Activities
February 23, 2025
Superbook has children's Bible Videos, Games, Radio, etc.
Login Information
User Name: heavensroad
Password: Superbook
Click on the button to take you to Superbook.
Question of the Week
February 23, 2025
In the Gospel of Mark, how does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy?
From the angel Michael
From Joseph, Mary's husband
From the three Wisemen
From the angel Gabriel
From a cheribum
Answer: ______________________________
Last Weeks Question: What tribe is Paul from?
Answer: Benjamin
Bible Trivia Questions
February 23, 2025
Can you answer these biblical questions?
Weekly Bible Verse to Remember
February 23, 2025
Song of Solomon 6:3
I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine;
he browses among the lilies. (NIV)
February 23, 2025
Plan of Salvation: How to become a Child of God
Salvation through Our LORD, Jesus Christ
God, who is full of love, mercy and grace wanted to save you and me from our sins which is death. The penalty for our sins is total separation from God for eternity. God loves us so much, that He had a plan of salvation that would save not just you and me, but the entire world. There is only one road to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God sent His only begotten Son to earth in form of God and man and He was sacrificed for us because Jesus took our sin debt for us, so that we could be set free from the bondage of sin and spend eternity with God. Jesus was beaten, cursed at, and a crown of thorns was placed on His head. He was nailed to a cross at a place called Calvary where he suffered, shed His blood and died for our sins, past, present and future sins for the entire world. That’s how much God loves you. It’s a free gift that God has given to us. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and ask him to come into your heart and to forgive you of your sins. Jesus will work in your life and change your life that is full of joy, love and happiness. Yes, because we are saved does not mean that we’re perfect or that we won’t face troubles or illnesses in our lives. God uses certain situations to get our attention and to strengthen our faith and trust in Him. God has the best plan for our lives and trust me, it’s all worth it. To ask Jesus into your life, pray this simple prayer below and if you are sincere, then you will be saved and your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and will never be erased. God will send a helper, the Holy Spirit to help guide you on your new journey to heaven. So come and join the family of God!
To become a child of God, pray this prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus,
I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. If you sincerely asked Jesus into heart and life, welcome to the family, God’s family my brother and sister in Christ. We are so glad you are part of the family.
In Christ’s Love,
Heaven’s Road
If you have any questions, please email us at: heavensroad33@gmail.com